Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2010

Postkarte / Lesezeichen zur Summaery

Für Projekte und Kurse die an der Summaery teilnehmen gibt es die Möglichkeit halbe Postkarten zu bestellen, die dann zu einem Katalog-Fächer zusammengefasst werden können, das Prinzip ist noch vom Rundgang her bekannt.

Vorschau der Ankündigung der Fachkurses innerhalb der Summaery 2010

Der Turm im Gaswerk

Weitere Fotos vom Turm im Gaswerk habe ich in der TMA Dropbox abgelegt...

Von RedMike erreicht uns folgende Idee für die Installation:

my idea is use simple white tape on the floor to orchestrate to the public a "dance path" that they will follow and we'll interact with web cams and triggers to certain points along the path where I will talk with them..... something where one of us actually talks to the audience like and mc for the evening.....(similar to what we saw at the forsyth company in FRAfurt what the woman american did!) i'll just do simple dance movements and not try to front like a professional dancer. my broken german might be fun for them....

Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2010

Rusty Nails von Pfadfinderei

Moderat "Rusty Nails" from Pfadfinderei on Vimeo.

videos von yukari

echt feine verbindung zwischen versch. medien von yukari auf youtube

hier noch ein paar antworten oder so vorweg...
if you have any more questions, just give me back!!!

> if you say music you mean sound in general? (you do use words i think a lot too)
yes. “sound” includes “music”. In my opinion, “sound” means just
sound. “Music” means composed sounds.

> who are the people you work with
> (do they have an influence on your work or do they just follow your
> suggestions - is there some discussion going on? how do you choose them? how
> do you communicate with them (do you describe it with metaphors, emotions,
> or do you show them directly how to move)?

performers are just my friends who are not dancer. this piece don’t
need any special talent about dance. I described story including
emotions and position and basic movements.

performers are my friends who were studying rhythmics at the same
university with me. Rhythmics is a kind of study about music
education. One of the study is to express music with body movements.
So this piece needs a person like them. Because the concept of it is
just the same with this study. I described how to move showing by

-the star is mine.
That performer is me. The story is just my ideas about connection with
others. I thought it’s the best way to perform it by myself.

And when I work with performers, fundamentally I create all movements.
But sometimes they say out suggestions and we discuss about it. So
it’s not always fixed by me.

> is the video the result or is the original somewhere performed (life)?<
It’s a document. It should be performed in live.

> is the place where you perform it of any importance? (is it a studio or somewhere special?)<
place is not so matter. More important thing is whether there is
enough space for performance, some equipments like a screen or
blackout curtain or not.

Donnerstag, 3. Juni 2010

Vortrag Licht


fla flav from Florian Licht on Vimeo.


Max Keller: Faszination Licht